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In our words we often find solace and calm.
Here are contributed poems, some original others not.
Poetry is a window glass to the soul of mankind.

If you would like to contribute a poem please attach it to a e-mail
and send it to me

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Author: unknown
posted 3/1/99

Mother, please don't mourn for me; I'm still here, though you don't see. I'm right by your side each night and day, And within your heart I long to stay. My body is gone, but I'm always near; I'm everything you feel, see and hear. My spirit is free, but I'll never depart; As long as you keep me alive in your heart. I'll never wander out of your sight; I'm the brightest star on a summer night. I'll never be beyond your reach; I'm the moist sand when you're at the beach. I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around, And the pure white snow that blankets the ground. I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond; the clear cool water in a quiet pond. I'm the first blossom you'll see in Spring; The first warm raindrop that April will bring. I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine, And you'll see that the face in the moon is mine. When you start thinking that there is no one to love you, You can talk to me through the Lord above you. I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees, And you'll feel my presence in the warm summer breeze. I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep, And the beautiful dreams that come when you sleep. I'm the smile you see on a baby's face. Just look for me, Mom, I'm everyplace.
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Jaydy M'Lynn
"God's Love

Written by Kim Cooper
(November 20th 1990)
Posted 3/2/99

I call her God's love
Though we haven't met
She has a place in all our hearts
A presence we won't forget

I call her God's love
Though she can"t stay long
She touched our lives and our hearts
And made our family strong

I call her God's love
made perfect from within
Because He loves and needs her now
She'll go home and live with him

I call her God's love
because He loved her more
She'll see His face and He'll hold her close
And she'll play on the golden shore

I call her God's love
a perfect love so true
And while she waits for us there
She'll know we love her too
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written by
Kristen Copeland..
written...March 13, 1999

Posted 3/13/99

I hold a special place for you...
Remembering all the sweet things you would say and do...
Your spirit is with us, even though you’re not...
You’re always in our hearts, as well as our thoughts...

You are often remembered as each day passes by...
Sometimes it gets too painful and we start to cry....
Whenever we want to reach you, it’s not that hard...
We look deep into our hearts, and there you are...

I miss sitting in your lap watching T.V....
There we were, just you and me....
You are the kindest man I have ever known....
My thoughts of you never faded, They have only grown...

Everyone said as time passes, your hearts will heal....
I don’t think time could ever take away the pain we feel...
We really didn’t know what to do after you were gone...
We knew that you wanted life to go on...

In the past a piece of us stays...
Every night we bow our heads to pray....
Broken glass, the candle falls, the flame is dying out...
Alone in the dark, as our hearts are crying out...

Our love for you is always a part of us....
It’s never wrong...it comes from the heart...
You always wanted the best for us.

You did what you could do ....
Now it’s our turn....
This poem is dedicated to you....

I love you Papa...

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I'm Free
Author: Unknown
Submitted byPat Ryan
in memory of her father
Robert Tevepaugh
Posted 3/14/99

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.
I'm following the path God has laid you see.
I took His hand when I heard His call.
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day.
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found the peace at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joys.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
O yes, things I too will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full..I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief.
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your hearts, and peace to thee.
God wanted me to know....He set me free.
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Author: Kristen Copeland
written and submitted: April First 1999
In memory of her Grandfather "Papa"

In the middle of the night....

Your voice I did hear...
As you leaned over and gently whispered in my ear....
You said, My time is running short and now I have to go...
Give your mom a kiss for me and tell her, I love her so...

The bright light came for you.....

You said, now I'll be on my way...
When ever you need me, just close your eyes and pray...
I blew you a kiss, then you walked away with a smile upon your face...
The light turned to dark, it’s like you vanished without a trace..

Mom woke up...

She said, What’s wrong? I saw a light!
I said, nothing is wrong mom....
Papa just said, goodnight..

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Our Friend Who's Gone Away
m.garren orig. ©3-29-95

We really didn't have her long - Our friend whose gone away.
And if things could be different I confess I'd have her stay
With us and bless us with her friendship and her smile,
She grew so very dear to us in such a little while.

Now we all are lonesome - Each heart has an empty space-
That wants to feel her hand again and see her smiling face -
And hear her speak so gently, and just be with us each day.
We miss her and we're grieving for - Our Friend whose gone away.

But I am very thankful -There is peace within my soul -
For I know she's with Jesus - I know He has made her whole.
And I know too I'll see her when He calls me from this place,
And when I go to live with Him - I know I'll see her face.

So as I write these words and I remember our Dear Friend.
I am thankful that He loaned her to us at the very end.
How precious are His thoughts toward us -
How wondrous are His ways -
He sent us such a lovely soul to bless and fill our days.

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