Letters To Heaven
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If you want to send a letter to a loved one, this is the place to
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TO: Ken Graner
N0. 1 Pearly Gate
Heaven,  God's Universe
Zip: 10001

Jan 21, 1999

Dear Dad,

Yesterday the 20 of Feb was your birthday.  You are 77 now.  I have been thinking of you a lot lately and miss you so very much.   I remember one of your Birthdays 26 years ago when you were keeping me calmed down during the birth of my son.  You were full of comfort and wisdom that day and I don't know if in all the excitement I ever really thanked you for helping me through it all.   I am doing that now...Dad you have always been my inspiration.  You were the teacher of life lessons and in my book you are the teacher of the year.  I will always love you Dad.  I will be talking to you soon...I'm sure you hear my voice,  as a whisper on the wind asking you ...what do I do now?  You always were my guide.

Your Loving Son

TO: Ken Graner
N0. 1 Pearly Gate
Heaven,  God's Universe
Zip: 10001

April 19, 1999

Dear Dad,

Some thing wonderful has happened and I'm not so sure you don't already know but none the less here it is.
Kelly has had a baby and he carries your name as his middle name (Jared Kenneth) isn't that something.
Kelly is so proud and she will be a great mother.  Its almost a miracle huh dad...wink wink.  She needed this so badly,  I think you would be surprised if you could see her with her baby.  She finally has a purpose to her life you would be so proud of her dad.  I am enclosing this picture of Jared for you to show around to the guys.
Don't pop the buttons on your vest.  Talk to you soon.

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Your loving Son


TO: Ken Graner
N0. 1 Pearly Gate
Heaven,  God's Universe
Zip: 10001


Feb 20th, 2000

Dear Dad,

Happy Birthday....I have been thinking of you all day to day even more than on any other day.  I know it has been a long time since I have written but I know you hear me talking to you from time to time.  You have not been forgotten or will you ever be.  A lot has happened since I last wrote....Mom is now here in Calif. where I can keep an eye on her....Her and Kelly and Jared are living together in a house near Linda...She seems to be doing OK Dad but I know you are never far from her heart and only a tear away from her soul.  I am keeping an close eye on the family and as I promised I will be there for any of them that need me.   I know they all talk to you as I do and we do feel you near at times so I won't go into detail of all that has happened  this year, but trust that they have already told you. 

2 weeks ago my friend and co-worker Bert Cota loss his father, Yes this is the same man I asked you to show around heaven when he got there...did you know he loves the rain and also likes gardening and raising plants...you two have something in common...huh.  Well eventually you will have us all back again Dad.  It will be like you never left....Later Pops listen for me, I am the one speaking the loudest.....


Your Loving Son


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